Ever Forward, it’s your tattoo, it’s your license plate, but you’re just kind of playing the role. I’m this positive walking, talking, optimistic guy, supposedly, and I try to be, but I was like, Chase, you’re not living a life ever forward. I went through a lot of different things, but it only was until, really, just a couple years ago I really took a dose of my own medicine. I thought it was just this tragedy, like you said, that happened – and was – but I was only ever focusing on that… call it grief, call it depression. At that same time, I had flown the nest of my family and was with Uncle Sam, I joined the Army, and just completely destroyed me emotionally, spiritually for years and years. He had a really escalated case of it, about 17-18 months from diagnosis to when he passed, and it just tore me apart. The tragedy was, like you said, we lost our father - my brother, my sister, and my family – to a horrible terminal illness, Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS. Finding something that – tragedy – that you essentially turn into magic and purpose.Ĭhase: Yeah. It’s one of these things that when you hear it you go that’s exactly what life’s about. Every time I hear it, it touches me, it inspires me. So, for my peeps, kind of tell them – because I love, I absolutely love your mission and your story. Why don’t you start there just real quick. Check my boy out, give him a follow, and please enjoy the show.Ĭhase: My name’s Chase Chewning. Check him out on Instagram C-H-E-W-N-I-N-G, and on Instagram. This is a really useful and enjoyable podcast for me, and I think you’ll see why, as it touches on many different aspects of life that we all deal with.

Now, we’re integrating some of our business stuff he’s helping me with the podcast. You know, Chase is somebody that helps me an awful lot, someone I’ve learning an awful lot from, and we’ve had a journey together as we’ve gotten to know each other over the last couple of years. We’re talking about purpose and meaning, and how you turn tragedy into something magical and useful and make a difference in the world with your work. Learn more about becoming a Next Level Human at Jade: Today I have my very good friend Chase Chewning on the show. An Army veteran, health coach of nearly a decade and host of the top-rated "Health & Fitness" podcast Ever Forward Radio Chase's work is driven by his family's mantra of "ever forward".Ĭonnect w/ Chase on Instagram to Ever Forward Radio on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify Two high-qualifiers as a next level human and definite areas that guest and personal friend Chase Chewning brings to the table in all of his work. EVER FORWARD: Turning Tragedy Into Something Magical with Chase Chewning - Episode 44