Dry Shampoo: I honestly didn’t use this (I had my mother around who helped me wash my hair), but I heard a lot of people found it helpful since they could not shower.Neck Pillow: Sitting upright all day and night can make your neck sore and I found that having a neck pillow helps.The pain medication also can make you itchy. Cortozone cream: Since you can’t shower initially, you may get a rash (I did).But having something long to that doesn’t pull over your head is much more convenient. PJ gown that buttons down the front: I was more comfortable wearing nothing at all (except for my compression garment).It’s these types of little things that make the first week of recovery more comfortable. Back scratcher: I recommend a wooden one.When you are finally able to shower, make sure you lotion up afterwards!

I made the mistake of not using lotion and my skin did crack. Because you are indoors all day post op, your skin can get dry and crackly. I don’t use baby powder at all in my everyday life- but it did come in handy the first week post – op. Baby powder and lotion: you cannot shower for the first couple of days and you will sweat.Do not forget to take stool softeners – you WILL regret it if you forget.ģ) For the first week post – op, having the following items will make your recovery much easier and more comfortable: I added prunes to my diet (around 7 per day) and my stools are finally feeling normal. I started taking 3 stool softeners a day (morning mid-day and evening) after that night, and it barely helped. I have never felt a pain like that, I was so worried that I might have popped stitches. The pain medications make you extremely constipated and I needed to use an enema, by far the worst experience of my life. I made the mistake of taking one on the 8th day post – op…around day 10 I had the worst pain in my life. The directions say to take 1-3 a day, so I would take one in the evening and one at night.

If you are having your surgery in Chicago, the only place I found that would deliver to the city was:Ģ) Stool Softeners! If your doctor doesn’t prescribe any, make sure you get them over the counter at your local pharmacy. It cost me around $150 a week (plus delivery and pick up) to rent the recliner which was TOTALLY WORTH IT. I am so thankful that I had the electric recliner the first week and not sure what I would do without it. Being short (around 5’1) it was very hard for me to get into the bed all together, let alone to find a comfortable position. A lot of people simply use a million pillows to get comfortable, but for me a bed was difficult. It will stand you all the way up and is much more comfortable than a bed.

1) Renting a medical electric recliner will help the first 1-2 weeks post tummy tuck.